Creando legados, uno estudiante a la vez.
Quién es Cxmunidad.
Gaming Cxmmunity Co. es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3 fundada para brindar oportunidades a jóvenes y estudiantes de minorÃas en los campos de los deportes electrónicos y los juegos. Brindamos tecnologÃa, programación educativa, desarrollo de infraestructura, oportunidades académicas y profesionales a estudiantes y escuelas que lo necesitan.
In The Cxmmunity
​In The Cxmmunity is a yearly social fair dedicated to students, parents, schools, and industry partners to show appreciation. This Cxmmunity event provides the opportunity for partners of STEAM-focused companies and organizations to come together and bridge the diversity gap for underserved communities within Metro Atlanta. ​This event is free and open to all!
Nuestra Demografía
The Cxmmunity Foundation serves students, educators, school systems, esports players, partner programs, and more!